Wednesday, July 27, 2011

And thus my Jackass-ness rears it's ugly head.

You know how Blanche is absolutely terrified of Masky? You know how she threatened me with revenge crabs if I used that against her? Well, I'm reasonably sure she won't actually give me revenge crabs, so I decided to use that fear against her.

Her parents decided to go to Kentucky for the week, her cousin is getting married you see. So, she's been left alone with the cats to make sure the house doesn't fall apart when they're gone. Which is why I've been babysitting her the past few nights. So, I knew she was totally alone. Dev and I thought it would be fun to get ourselves some of those masks. They were pretty easy to make, actually. We dressed up in similar hoodies, staked out her house. I stood in front of her front door, and Dev took the sliding door in the back. We just stood there. It took about an hour before she decided to go out to water her mom's flowers, and thus noticed Dev with her mask all but pressed against the glass.

So, I got this part of the story after the fact, so I'm not sure how factual it is. Apparently Blanche just froze, having a locked glass door between her and Dev. Apparently after a moment of them staring at each other, Blanche started cursing Dev out, thinking she was probably me. Meanwhile, I unlocked the front door, and walked up behind her quietly as I could. At this point, Dev wandered out of sight, probably to come in the way I did so we could reveal the joke.

There was something we failed to take into account. Blanche has an interesting fight or flight response. 99.9% of the time she goes straight into flight mode. But sometimes, when the planets are aligned just right, and she happens to have a full watering can in her hands, she goes and turns into Kratos.

You know, that little plastic watering can didn't seem like much. What I failed to take into account was that thing holds nearly a quart of water. A quart of water doesn't sound like it would be too dangerous, until it collides with the side of your head with the ferocity of a paranoid and very angry young woman who just hulked the fuck out. Seriously. I'm pretty sure she would have kept beating me with that thing if she didn't knock my mask off when she hit me.

Anyway, the concussion that I'm reasonably sure I have factors into why I'm pretty sure she won't actually revenge crab me. And she made me clean up the water she spilled while trying to dent my skull. What's really unfair? Dev gets off with a verbal warning.


  1. Well, she warned you, didn't she?

    You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?

    I swear that''s the last one unless you provoke me.

  2. And suddenly, the title of this blog makes infinite amounts of sense.

    All I can say is, GO BLANCHE!

  3. Bastard. You deserve far worse than a concussion.
